An Affliction of Madness

The Madness has taken me. Again. For a long period I had quelled its shadowy, menacing tendrils. But I knew. I knew it was only a matter of time before it again took root, and began to fester. Its time has come. This manifestation arose from an unusual source; a vert ramp in Texas.

In certain skateboard circles the term “The (gear) Madness” is immediately understandable. In others, it is a bit of a foreign concept. In essence, the madness is perseveration, and tinkering, over/with the nuances of your equipment.

While in Texas two weeks ago I afforded the opportunity to ride a full-sized vert ramp. I had not been on one in decades. It made me want start riding some of the bigger transition back home (some larger mini ramps, and some vert bowls). It also made me acutely aware that my 8.25” set-up was too small for real sized ramps; I was going to need something bigger. Once home, I set-up an 8.75” deck…and the spiral decent into The Madness began.

Suddenly I wasn’t sure of anything anymore. Was my long-standing relationship with my 8.25” all based on lies and self-deception? Does the 8.75” more accurately suit my style of (overall) skating at 48-years-old in 2022? I was no longer sure what my “ideal” set-up was anymore. I am still not, for The Madness is still with me. I’ve done this before. Many times before. The result is almost always the same. What makes me think the outcome will be any different this time? One definition of madness is doing the same thing, over and over, an expecting a different result. But things are different this time. I’ve noticed some real differences. This is an unfortunate fuel. A fuel for The Madness.

The only manner for some fires to extinguish, is for it to burn through all its available fuel. To that end, I shovel coal. The Madness blazes into the dark night.

Chris Battle @TheLoneSentry