The 14.25 Madness Bracket quickly came to a close today, thankfully. The two decks I was trying were:
DLX 8.4/14.25 DLX 8.5/14.25
As soon as I set up the 8.4, I was like, “Oh, right. That. I remeber why I don’t like these.” Writing was already on the wall. But, I gave it a fair try anyway. I went to a local park. My toe was still damaged from the 8.38 injury, but it was OK enough to see which 14.25 set-up was better (e.g. the 8.4 or the 8.5). I soon realized the stark truth: there is no 14.25 option. The 14.25/149 brackerts were a Madness off-shoot from the 8.75/159 realization that I seem to be liking wider decks/trucks at the moment. I figured, “Why not? Let’s give a wider deck, with a shorter wb, and 149s one final try for a street set-up.” I have tried 14.25wb decks before, and the resuts were always the same.
So, I knew, or should have known, what the outcome would be.
The tail on both of these decks is more rounded than I like. The tail (may) also be a tad shorter than my usual set-ups. I learned from the 8.38 that that is very bad combo for foot placement, confidence, and even straight-up execution of some tricks (tail slides, blunts, anything to tail, etc.). I didn’t like the way ollie-to-tails felt on either 14.25 deck. On everything from spine transfers to ollie 50/50 grinds on a ledge, I kept finding my front foot too far over the nose (and in a precarious manner at that, too).
Then I had the real epiphany, that should have occurred to me before any of the 14.25 madness started: my “street” skating these days often involves some type of smaller transition (be it at parks, DIYs, etc.), and there is clarity in this position, without a shred of Madness: I despise 14.25wb on transition (it’s just too short/cramped for me). Thus, any “street” set-up I have (because of its use on transition) automatically rules out any 14.25 deck for practical purposes. If I had realized this two weeks ago, I never would have ended up with the two 14.25 decks. With this epiphany, the 14.25 bracket was instantly closed, for there is no 14.25 option for me, at all, ever.* Plus, as I mentioned with the 8.38, looking down at more rounded-off nose/tail (which both of these have), kind bummed me out a bit.
So, was the 8.38/14.5 and these two 14.25wb decks a waste of time and money? I don’t think so. As I stated at the start of these posts, the only way out (of the Madness) is through (the Madness). If had never done these tests, I would still be wondering. The “what if” itch would not go away until I sussed it out in real time. And I sussed it out, so, the issues have been resolved. Moreover, I now have these notes to look back upon, should deck-Madness ever rear its head again. Some local kids will get free, almost-new, decks out this, too, so I can’t complain about that, at all. Spread the Stoke.
There are still two other Madness issues to resolve, but in light everything else, they are very minor ones. First, do I keep the 8.75 or the 8.5 for bigger transition? I think I am just going to keep both, as use as needed. Second, is trying out 149s (instead of 144s) on my regular 8.25/14.38 set-up. Updates on these as they develop. I can say for now, the real Madness, is over. Thank God.
*There is one 14.25wb deck I kind of like; the Anti-Hero “Raney” modern shaped deck. However, it’s more of a “cruiser” type board than a “trick” board. I enjouy riding it, and that is the only REAL test ever need be satisfied. If that Raney shape was made with a larger wheelbase? Oh, man. I might love that deck. Thankfully, my madness is not afforded that opportunity.
Next skate project? I think it’s time for another issue of Zero Street Cred ‘zine. Seems like a good mid-Autumn task to take up.