The Madness Comes to and End

The Madness winds down even further. Today I eliminated the 8.5/14.5wb (Black Label) from the quiver wars.

Compared to the other set-ups, the tail/nose is just too steep for me. This has been an issue I’ve had with other Black Label decks before, too. A shame, too. I love the shape.

Oddly, DLX does not make a proper 8.5/14.5wb deck. I would certainly explore a good 8.5/14.5, but that seems to be an elusive one (that I wont be actively seeking out). To that end, I think this episode/chapter of The Madness has come to a close.

In the end it resulted in two additional set-ups (for three in total)…and I’m still messing with truck size on my main board (so, the Madness has not completely left me). The final three are (more on each of these in the near future):

8.75/14.62 | 159 | 54mm (Bigger transition, bowls, some street, cruising)

8.25/14.38 | 144/149* | 53mm (This is my main all-purpose set-up. *I am currently toying with truck size, and might be going up from 144s to 149s)

8.63/14.25 (Raney shaped deck) | 149 | 53mm (This one is a real anomaly for me)

Chris Battle @TheLoneSentry