Keep Chopping

The poem below is by Charles Bukowski. Sometimes when I read his stuff, I am convinced he is an old, washed-up, skateboarder. But then I remember. He is just someone who understands pure, unadulterated, passion. And of course, you cannot be an old, washed-up skateboarder without that. He speaks our language. Or rather, those who “keep chopping” all speak the same tongue.

the creative act

for the broken egg on the floor
for the 5th of july
for the fish in the tank
for the old man in room 9
for the cat on the fence

for yourself

not for fame
not for money

you’ve got to keep chopping

as you get older
the glamour recedes

it’s easier when you are young

anybody can rise to the
heights now and then

the buzzword is

anything that keeps it

this life dancing in front of
Mrs. Death

Chris Battle @TheLoneSentry