The 8.75" Anomaly

Retired this today. Cracked it on a nose blunt to disaster over a spine. This was a special deck for me. I normally ride an 8.25/14.38, but I’ve occasionally dabbled with bigger decks (and usually not liked them). This one, however, is a standout from the “Madness” episodes awhile back. The deck is an 8.75/14.62. I’ve had a few of these before, but this time around…I really, really liked this thing. This specific deck made me realize I always want to have one of these set-up* in addition to my standard 8.25 (and that is a really bold statement coming from me). In retrospect, I really wish I had this in the Texas ditches when I was there last October. Next year. This deck is going up on the wall. Good memories/fun times with it.

*with 159 Indy Forged Hollow, and 54mm F4 Spitfire Classics (or Radials).

Chris Battle @TheLoneSentry