Small Arts, Resonance, and Repellence: Random Thoughts on a Rainy Sunday

It’s a rainy Sunday. I was just scrolling through some skate stuff on Instagram. So much of modern ledge tech, big gap, rail, etc. skating doesn’t resonate with me, at all. The opposite, actually. It repels.

For a long time I thought this was simply because I am now a washed-up old guy, who is out of touch with “The Kids these days.” But then I remembered that my good friend Felix and I used to complain about the same type of thing in 1989, when I was just 15-years-old, about some of the stuff in Speed Freaks and Hokus Pokus. So, clearly, it’s not just that I am now an old guy (but I know that certainly does not help).

It’s hard for me to define what types, forms, styles of skating really resonate with me, but I certainly know it when I see it. I think about the Small Arts concept a lot, and that, so far, is the closest I can come to comprehensive definition.

Chris Battle @TheLoneSentry